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Bell 525 Relentless

The Bell 525 Relentless, featuring the ARC Horizon flight deck system, provides unparalleled crew situational awareness through the use of a fully integrated avionics flight deck coupled with an advanced fly-by-wire flight control system, resulting in enhanced safety levels and mission capabilities.

Bell 525


  • Glass Cockpit Garmin 1000H NXi
  • C47E/4 with Dual Channel FADEC and Auto Relight
  • Executive Interior Styling Options
  • 140kt Cruise
  • Best in Class Performance
  • Proven Technology
Click to view full spec and Bell website Living with the Bell 525
Bell 525 - HelixAv
Bell 525 - HelixAv
Bell 525 - HelixAv
Bell 525 - HelixAv
Bell 525 - HelixAv
Bell 525 - HelixAv
Bell 525 - HelixAv